Friday 11 November 2011

Billy the bunny. (A story.)

Once upon a time there lived a bunny called Billy. He lived with his mother, his father and his sister called Polly. Billy was a good boy but there was one problem. Billy had no tail. Every body laughed at him. Billy was upset. One day he asked his mother that he wanted a tail. His mother said  that he would have a tale one day.The next day he went outside and took a dandelion seed then went back inside and he tried to stick the dandelion seed to his bottom. There he said jumping to his mother. Do you like my tale he said. Of course she said looking at his tail. You can show that to your friends at school today. So he did then they lived happily ever after. The end.

1 comment:

  1. It is a sweet story Sweetheart! :-D

    Continue your efforts with more stories, ok?
